Are You a Lukewarm Christian? 24 Characteristics (Part 2)
Jesus made it clear. If you are lukewarm, he wants to vomit you out of his mouth. He says, "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth" (Rev. 3:16).
What does it mean to live a lukewarm lifestyle? What does it look like practically?
Francis Chan, in his book Crazy Love, gives some descriptions of what a lukewarm person looks like. Twenty four characteristics to be exact. I want to list those characteristics for you and comment on them. I will do it in three blog posts, focusing on eight at a time.
(Click "Read More" below to see eight more characteristics of a lukewarm Christian)
(Click "Read More" below to see eight more characteristics of a lukewarm Christian)
Here are the first eight characteristics of a lukewarm Christian. A lukewarm Christian:
- Calls "radical" what Jesus expects of all of His followers
- Doesn't want to make others feel uncomfortable by talking about Jesus
- Compares their morality by looking at people in the world
- Says Jesus is part of their lives; but He isn't allowed to control their lives
- Tries to love God, but doesn't want to become fully devoted to Him
- Loves others but not as much as they love themselves
- Is willing to serve others, but only when it is convenient
- Thinks about life on earth much more than life in heaven
Here are some things that stick out to me:
First, the Christian life is a radical life, something lukewarm Christians just don't understand. Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, take up our crosses daily, and follow Him. Jesus tells us if we do not forsake all that we have, we cannot be His disciples. But by today's Christian standards, known of those commands are taken seriously.
Second, a lukewarm believer is afraid and embarrassed to speak about the truth of Jesus Christ. They mask it by saying "we are to love one another," but they ignore the fact that "love rejoices in the truth" (1 Cor. 13:5).
Third, lukewarm Christians rationalize their compromised lifestyle by comparing themselves with unbelievers. They say, "I'm not as bad as that person." But they forget that Jesus doesn't grade on a curve. Every person is responsibility for his or her own actions and thoughts.
Fourth, lukewarm believers want to compartmentalize areas of their life so that they can have one foot in church and one foot in the world. Some areas of their life God can have control, but other areas they want to maintain control. But Jesus didn't die to have some of us, He died to have all of us.
Fifth, lukewarm Christians are quick to say they love God and love Jesus, but are afraid of becoming "sold out" for Him. It's not enough, though, to say we love God and to not obey all of His commands. The apostle John makes this very clear (1 John 1:7).
Sixth, lukewarm believers can show compassion towards others from time to time, but ultimately they love themselves more than anything. This is a far cry from the heart of the gospel, where Jesus said "I did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give my life a ransom for many."
Seventh, similar to the previous characteristic, lukewarm Christians can be willing to serve others from time to time, but only if it fits with their schedule. Going out of their way to help another person is inconceivable to them.
Eighth, lukewarm believers are so concerned with the comforts of this life that they completely take their eyes off of the fact that they have a heavenly home. Jesus told His followers to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. Lukewarm Christians do the opposite.
Do any of the above describe you? We all fall prey to these descriptions from time to time, but do you regularly practice any of those descriptions? If so, then you might be living a lukewarm Christian life.
But there's hope! You can surrender your whole heart to Jesus and he will transform you from the inside out and make you become the person he wants you to be.
The choice is yours...
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