3 Books I'm Reading Right Now
I love reading. It is one of my favorite things to do, especially in my free time. The only problem is I tend to read several books at a time. Instead of just starting a book and then simply finishing it, I get excited about another book and start reading that one too. Any one else struggle with this? #firstworldproblems
At any rate, here are three books I'm reading right now that I definitely recommend:
1. Through The Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko
An absolutely gut-wrenching story about Pastor Levi Lusko and his wife Jennie going through a parents worse nightmare - losing a children. One of their daughters - Lenya - died in their arms due to an asthma attack when she was only five years old. But as only Levi could word it, his book is not "a manual for grieving" but a "manifesto for high-octane living." It will make you laugh and it will make you cry, and often at the same time. It will challenge you to find hope in something greater than this world has to offer. If you love books you can't seem to put down, then pick this one up. You won't be disappointed.
2. Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism by various authors
Something I enjoy almost as much as reading a biography is studying about theology. Recently a few friends of mine have left our evangelical church in order to join an Orthodox church. Before this happened, I can honestly say I was not well educated on the practices of the Orthodox church, outside of some church history classes in seminary. Desiring to give every opinion a fair chance rather than making up my mind hastily, I bought this book to further understand the similarities and differences between an Orthodox and a Protestant church. All I can say it this book is fascinating and well designed. In fact, the book is part of a series called "Counterpoints," where different opinions are discussed back and forth on controversial subjects. I highly recommend any reading from the Counterpoint series.
3. Seek the Welfare of the City by Bruce W. Winter
Oh, you have never heard of this book or the author? Shame on you! Ok maybe not. I didn't either. And I would have never read it if it had not been part of my required reading in seminary. But seriously, I thoroughly enjoy this book. It is one of only a few books in seminary that I did not skim over and instead chose to slowly go through it to digest all of its amazing content. Essentially the book is about life in the New Testament world - over 2,000 years ago in Israel under Roman occupation. Part of the problem Christians have reading the Bible from a 21st century mindset is they don't understand life and culture during the time of Jesus. This book brings you into their world and teaches you about how they lived. If you want to get a better grasp on the New Testament, read this book!
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