7 Practical Ways To Lead Others Through A Crisis

What is the single biggest need in a crisis?



Because every crises causes panic, fear, and uncertainty. 

People look to leaders for answers and direction. 

People look to leaders who are willing to lead them through unprecedented and difficult times.

Are we called to lead in this global pandemic? How can we bring comfort to our families, friends, and neighbors? Are the leaders we have doing what they are supposed to? 

Here are seven practical ways we can lead others through a crisis: 

1. Remain calm

Never underestimate the power of a calming presence. While others are panicking, complaining, or blaming, leaders are calming. They know this is not the first crisis humanity has faced and it will not be the last. They remind everyone that we will get through this. 

2. Be courageous 

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to lead through fear. Times of crisis are always difficult and it takes courage to do difficult things. Life is rarely what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens to us. Leaders rise to the top with courage.

3. Show compassion

Leaders understand the art of empathy. Great leaders don't just focus on meeting their own needs, they focus on meeting the needs of others. The more we put ourselves in someone else's shoes, the more equipped we become to lead. 

4. Find purpose

Leaders don't waste a season. The goal is not to get out of a crisis, the goal is to grow from a crisis. The way we behave while in a crisis will determine whether we become better or worse on the other side of it. 

5. Communicate constantly

In moments of crisis, you cannot communicate with others too often. Things change quickly and rapidly and it's important to be realistic. Leaders know that people would rather hear bad news from them than no news from them.

6. Solve problems

Anyone can see a problem. Anyone can point out a problem. Leaders solve problems. Complaining, blaming, and shaming will not solve problems. Innovating will solve problems. We can't get where we need to be if we are unwilling to change where we are.

7. Create the future

Leaders understand they don't have to have a perfect plan to create change. There is no road map when facing new problems. Expect to get things wrong and have to make adjustments. Create long term goals with short term plans.

Final Thought

Remind others that we will get through this. We can come out of this global pandemic bigger and better. We just have to wake up each day and answer this one question: How can I add value to people in this season? 


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